Huffington Post: ‘Yeah, Hillary Has Pneumonia, But Trump Is Still A Deranged Threat To America’

“Modern medicine can remedy one of these ailments more thoroughly than the other.”


Jason Linkins@The Huffington Post (9/12/16): “America is not a developing nation, and if you have top notch health care here, [pneumonia] is eminently treatable. I’m not sure the same can be said about whatever affliction causes one to be a crazed, authoritarian goon. … Clinton is said to be ‘on the defensive’ about her response to her current health condition. In in a perfect world, she should just be going on the defensive with her pneumonia with antibiotics, not trying to ‘power through’ it. On the other hand, saving the country from the possibility that Donald Trump might become president is the sort of thing I might try to ‘power through’ pneumonia to do. It could really boil down to how far you’re willing to go to keep the White House from falling into the hands of a candidate allied with white nationalists … Beyond all that, Trump is still the person most rational adults fear getting access to the nuclear codes. He’s still the guy who seems to want a cozier relationship with other autocratic regimes, who dreams about palling around with Vladimir Putin. He’s still the guy hiding his tax returns. Still the guy retweeting racist memes. Still the guy whose main focus, on Sept. 11, was how he now had the tallest building in downtown Manhattan. Had Hillary Clinton done any of those things ― forget pneumonia ― she’d have been felled long before she started running a fever.”


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