James Fallows: The Media’s Pretense That Trump Is A Normal Candidate Is Pernicious

A presidential candidate is an absurd madman who could literally end the world, and everyone who’s paying attention knows it, and yet the political media refuse to sound even a peep of an alarm.


As The Atlantic says, “People will look back on this era in our history to see what was known about Donald Trump while Americans were deciding whether to choose him as president. Here’s a running chronicle from James Fallows on the evidence available to voters as they make their choice, and of how Trump has broken the norms that applied to previous major-party candidates.” And, as this entry examines (#92, with the first 91 all available here), of how the media has increasingly pretended that Trump is a normal candidate rather than the raving lunatic he in fact is.  James Fallows@The Atlantic (9/3/16)

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