Charles M. Blow To Trump: ‘You Are A Prime Example Of The Worst Of Humanity’

Charles M. Blow@The New York Times (9/5/16): “You are a bigot. That is not a media narrative or a fairy tale. That is an absolute truth. No one manufactured your bigotry; you manifested it. You have proudly brandished your abrasiveness, and now you want to whine and moan about your own abrasions. Not this day. Not the next day. Not ever. You will never shake the essence of yourself. Your soul is dark, your character corrupt. You are a reprobate and a charlatan who has ridden a wave of intolerance to its crest. You were a chief birther against President Obama. You have maligned Mexicans and slandered Muslims. You have treated women with disdain. You have mocked the handicapped. You have displayed a staggering lack of basic knowledge about governance. You have applauded dictators. You have encouraged the assault of protesters at your rallies. You are a prime example of the worst of humanity. You are what happens when incuriosity meets intolerance. You are not to be praised for your fourth quarter outreach, but reviled for it, because it contains contempt, not contrition.”



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